Travel: The Dos and Don’ts
14 min read
Know the rules – and the gray areas.
What If…?
2 min read
It’s a scorching Sunday afternoon in Manila, with the temperature predicted to hit 35°C. Best to stay indoors until at least 5PM, folks! I suggest watching this short film by The Bakery while waiting for things to cool down a bit. The Last Bookshop shows us a scenario that (sadly) has a good chance of…
The Undead
17 min read
Some people have plenty of unfinished business.
3 min read
While compiling this week’s edition of Snippets, I came across an article on The Huffington Post about marginalia. Jocelyn Kelley’s opening line contained a question: Do you openly embrace writing in books, or do you frown upon it? I do agree with her on her main points: a reader’s notes on the sides of book pages…