The Reading Spree

Flipping pages and finding common denominators

What If…?

It’s a scorching Sunday afternoon in Manila, with the temperature predicted to hit 35°C. Best to stay indoors until at least 5PM, folks!

I suggest watching this short film by The Bakery while waiting for things to cool down a bit. The Last Bookshop shows us a scenario that (sadly) has a good chance of happening in the future: a complete dependence on technology, which can lead to the “novelty” of printed books for the younger generation.

The short film also had an impact on me for the following reasons:

  1. That bookstore is gorgeous. Need I say more?
  2. Kids bonding with adults over a shared interest, and learning from them − this always gets me.
  3. “If I were to die, what happens to my books?” Right now, I don’t have much to give to the younger members of my family. My meager book collection can be handed down to them when I leave, and I think that out of everything I own, my books have the most value. They would give my nieces and nephews a good idea of who I am, what I like, what my interests are, and which worlds I love to get lost in. I can’t do this with e-books, seeing as I don’t really “own” what I’ve bought.
  4. The Harry Potter reference. And “Gamazon”. Nice touch.
  5. That ending. Heartbreaking, man.

Enough talk. Watch The Last Bookshop, then head to the nearest book store and take a whole trove of printed material home with you. Then read. As much as you can. Then read some more.

(H/T: Jen Non; article on The Huffington Post – Books. BTW, it’s “principal” villain, not “principle”. :P)

And… as always, this isn’t a sponsored post.