The Reading Spree

Flipping pages and finding common denominators

The New York Times

  • Snippets #8.

    A month after my last link list, Snippets is (finally) back! Yeah. It’s a long list. Had to dig deep into my RSS feed, social media feeds and Pocket list to find the ones I found interesting and share-worthy. Then I had to review everything and trim the list down, which called for a few more…

  • Snippets #7.

    The past week has given me (and now, you) lots of awesome headlines. Quotable quotes from a few greats. From Mark Twain to Ray Bradbury, Iconic Writers on Truth vs. Fiction, Maria Popova, Brain Pickings, January 27, 2012 Maybe I’ll get more things done if I follow this list. 😉 Overcoming Creative Block in 10 Easy Steps, Debbie…

  • Snippets #5.

    You know the drill. (I think this is the longest list I’ve had so far!) Lesson: be OC with your book cover design! 10 Worst Book Covers In The History Of Literature, Alex Wein, So Bad So Good, June 15, 2012 Someday everyone will follow Tor Books’ lead. Why the death of DRM would be good news…

  • Snippets #3.

    This week, I’m serving up the following links, organized by date: Men, take note. (Numbers 4, 6 and 8 are book characters.) The 10 Best Fictional Boyfriends, Chelsea Fagan, Thought Catalog, September 25, 2012 I completely forgot that November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)! Tried it back in 2004, but quit when I realized my plot…