The Reading Spree

Flipping pages and finding common denominators


  • What If…?

    It’s a scorching Sunday afternoon in Manila, with the temperature predicted to hit 35°C. Best to stay indoors until at least 5PM, folks! I suggest watching this short film by The Bakery while waiting for things to cool down a bit. The Last Bookshop shows us a scenario that (sadly) has a good chance of…

  • Here come the undead!

    The Undead

    Some people have plenty of unfinished business.

  • Noted!

    While compiling this week’s edition of Snippets, I came across an article on The Huffington Post about marginalia. Jocelyn Kelley’s opening line contained a question: Do you openly embrace writing in books, or do you frown upon it? I do agree with her on her main points: a reader’s notes on the sides of book pages…

  • Snippets #5.

    You know the drill. (I think this is the longest list I’ve had so far!) Lesson: be OC with your book cover design! 10 Worst Book Covers In The History Of Literature, Alex Wein, So Bad So Good, June 15, 2012 Someday everyone will follow Tor Books’ lead. Why the death of DRM would be good news…

  • It’s been more than two years since my last bulk book review for The Reading Spree, and it makes me very sad to say that I’m still working on the third one. My bad. If things go as planned, I’ll be able to post before the month of May ends. Don’t worry, the theme for…