Neil Gaiman
The Year-Starter!
12 min read
It’s that time again! We’ll spend the first few days or weeks of January 2017 making all sorts of resolutions, short-term goals and long-term targets; and feeling real optimistic and so into that “New Year, New Me” shit. And that’s coming right after the long party season known as Christmas, which actually starts in September in…
Second Chances: Books of Short Stories
10 min read
Some books are worth another look.
This Month’s Link Love!
10 min read
I’m still working on the next bulk book review (already on the last book!), and I just know it’ll take a while. Hopefully I’ll post something new by the end of the month! To “tide you over”, here are some of the latest (and… well, not-so-latest) developments, news items and discoveries in the world of…
Sunday Slowdown.
4 min read
For me, Sundays are real special. It’s the only day in the week that’s completely free of work and other professional/personal obligations. I can spend the whole day doing what I like, whenever and however I want. This Sunday, I chose to stay in; relax; and go through my e-mail, RSS/social media feeds and saved…
Snippets #8.
10 min read
A month after my last link list, Snippets is (finally) back! Yeah. It’s a long list. Had to dig deep into my RSS feed, social media feeds and Pocket list to find the ones I found interesting and share-worthy. Then I had to review everything and trim the list down, which called for a few more…