The Reading Spree

Flipping pages and finding common denominators

  • Bundled Up!

    Found two websites selling legit bundled e-books – and at awesome price points

  • An institution for literary folks and Manila residents.

  • I’m the kind of person who often gets dragged by friends and family to various events at the last minute (a.k.a. kaladkarin!), or gets notified just a few days before. I rarely get to mark personal dates in advance, or know about things before they happen. This also means I miss out on a lot…

  • I’m still working on the next bulk book review (already on the last book!), and I just know it’ll take a while. Hopefully I’ll post something new by the end of the month! To “tide you over”, here are some of the latest (and… well, not-so-latest) developments, news items and discoveries in the world of…

  • Snippets #8.

    A month after my last link list, Snippets is (finally) back! Yeah. It’s a long list. Had to dig deep into my RSS feed, social media feeds and Pocket list to find the ones I found interesting and share-worthy. Then I had to review everything and trim the list down, which called for a few more…