The Reading Spree

Flipping pages and finding common denominators

Freelance Writers’ Guild of the Philippines

  • I’m making up for this blog’s unintentional two-month silence with a few entries (which I’m working on right now!), along with a new weekly (well, hopefully) update called Snippets. Snippets will contain links to interesting book-, reading- and publishing-related online articles and blogs, found via my RSS feed and social media (mainly Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn).…

  • So yeah, as expected, I didn’t get to go to the World Book and Copyright Day. But I did get information on what went down last April 22 at the Planas Garden, thanks to the Freelance Writers Guild of the Philippines and FILCOLS − they sent over this press release over the weekend, as well as…

  • Love books, interested in learning more about copyrights, and free on April 22? I highly suggest heading to Quezon City for this event. Press Release NBDB leads national celebration of World Book and Copyright Day On April 22, 2012, the Philippines will celebrate the 2012 World Book and Copyright Day with a one-of-a-kind “school fair”…