The Latest In E-Booklandia

For a long time, Amazon was the only brand I knew about for e-readers, and it’s not even directly sold here in the Philippines. People get their Kindles by asking US-based relatives to buy and ship for them, ordering directly from Amazon, or ordering from online retailers. I know only one person who uses a Barnes & Noble Nook, and I always forget to ask how she gets e-books for that reader, considering B&N doesn’t make its e-books available to Filipino consumers.

So imagine my joy and amazement when National Book Store announced its partnership with Kobo Books back in September. Besides the fact that e-book readers now have another option (and won’t be limited to mobile apps and browsers to access the goods), now they can simply head to the nearest NBS branch and get a Kobo Reader (Touch, Glo and Arc product lines)! No more waiting for balikbayans, overseas shipping and costs, or relying on online sellers.

Seeing that Kobo scored high with me on many aspects (but not when it comes to price ranges), I just might change my so-called allegiance to Amazon and go Kobo.

It’s also awesome for NBS, in my opinion the company to beat in print book retail, to embrace e-books as well. Print and digital can work together, y’all!

Visit for more details, or head to your nearest NBS branch. You can also check out the different available models at

Lastly, this:

About f****** time, man. 😉

Yep. Welcome to the Philippines, Google Books! Took you long enough. Will check you out soon, hopefully.

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